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Ossining, NY 10562

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Hudson Pharmacy Home Assessment

Hudson Pharmacy & Surgical Supplies can help you with mobility in your home!

Schedule an assessment for a ramp or stairlift online or call 877-340-6289 today!

Hudson Pharmacy & Surgical Supplies also offers hospital bed rental, stairlift rental and installation, liftchair, wheelchair and walker rental. 

Click here to Schedule!

Rent A Ramp

Rent A Stairlift

Schedule an appointment with our team to enhance your mobility and independence with our comprehensive mobility solutions. Our selection includes modular and portable ramps, designed for easy installation and exceptional durability, providing a seamless transition to your home's entryways. 

Experience peace of mind with our premium stairlift solutions, offering swift and efficient installation by expert technicians. Tailored to fit both straight and curved staircases, our stairlifts ensure a safe and comfortable ascent, no matter the layout of your home. With options for outdoor setups and no required structural modifications, our stairlifts are an ideal choice for enhancing home accessibility and independence.